Rimera Group launched the production of new submersible equipment for oil production

Rimera Group launched the production of new submersible equipment for oil production

Rimera Group’s Almetievsk plant (part of ChelPipe Group), one of the top producers of submersible equipment for oil production in Russia, designed and began production of an electric submersible pump ESP 3-250.

The new equipment made by the Alnas plant was designed according to the standard technical requirements of top Russian oil and gas companies. The compression-type ESP 3-250 is part of a Size 3 high-speed pump system and is used in sidetracks and in workover wells with technical limitations. Minimum inside casing diameter is 100 mm.

ESP 3-250 has a brushless DC electric motor with a shaft speed of up to 6K rpm, where the flow rate is variable from 160 to 250 cubic meters per day, which offers greater functionality of the equipment during well operation.

"Oil production equipment made by Rimera Group meets the high standards of leading oil companies. The design of the Alnas ESP 3-250 is based on the latest engineering solutions, which enable reducing oil production costs by extending the life and improving efficiency of the pump system. Alnas will continue to develop novel equipment to suit current needs of its clients: size 2A complete ESP systems, brushless DC electric motors and high-efficiency pumps," says The Head of the Research and Development Center of Rimera Group Anton Ilyin.

In 2020, Alnas began batch production of new submersible electric motor models with high source voltage of diameter size 103 and 117 and a Size 5 electric submersible pump with compression and dispersion stages.
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